Do you drink from your fresh water tank in your RV? Your taps in your house without a filter? Maybe you use a Brita filter or some other filter for your water filtering? Well, I would highly suggest using the Berkey system that fits your needs, in this video we explore the Travel Berkey version for our RV. The black filter berkey system produces some of the best water I have tested and tried. Crystal clear in the cup, you know you can trust the water coming out of your berkey. This opens the door for many more sources of water when camping or boondocking. Going off grid for a long period? Water shouldn’t be an issue at all. Check the product links below.
Product Information
Face Book Group – Berkey Water
Email organicone@comcast.net
Amazon US Affiliate Link
Berkey Travel
Berkey Black Replacement Filters
Original Video Source
- April 25, 2021
- 0
- Water