BELTON — Dog Ridge Water Supply Corp. on Monday issued a Stage 1 drought warning and a boil water notice.
Stage 1 guidelines require all customers to reduce lawn watering to every other day in the early morning or late evening hours. Violators will be fined $75 for a first violation, $100 for a second violation and $200 for subsequent violations. Repeat violators could face a $225 penalty and water service could be shut off for three days or until all penalties are paid, the supplier said on its website.
“We ask that all Dog Ridge WSC customers please abide by the Stage 1 requirements,” the supplier said.
More information on the Dog Ridge drought contingency and emergency water demand management plan can be found at under the “Drought Contingency” tab, then under “Forms & Reports.”
Dog Ridge also issued a boil water notice after a line break Monday.
Customers affected by the notice live off the north side of the Interstate 14/U.S. Highway 190 frontage road between George Wilson Road and Loop 121, including the Twin Lakes area.
To ensure the destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking and making ice should be brought to a rolling, vigorous boil for two minutes before consumption. In lieu of boiling, customers may purchase bottled water or obtain water from another suitable source.
Dog Ridge will issue a rescind notice when the water is safe to drink.
Customers with questions can call Dog Ridge Water at 254-939-6533.
To reach the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, call 512-239-4691.