Water Purification, Your Mind on Plants, Lab Meats, Picking the Perfect Watermelon | 2009
Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview!
Today I’m going to share with you the best of the week, reviews & research on:
– Water Purification Drops (product review)
– This is Your Mind on Plants (book review)
– Lab Meat Alternatives (research)
– How to Choose the Right Watermelon (research)
We’re going to review all this and much more on today’s #CabralConcept 2009.
🌱 Stephen Cabral
Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy
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Please Subscribe & Like if the video was helpful – thanks!
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✩ Website:
✩ Podcast:
✩ Book:
✩ Instagram:
✩ Twitter:
✩ Facebook:
✩ Facebook Support Group:
✩ Interview on The Mindpump Podcast: Getting To Root Cause Of Low Energy, Skin Issues And A Poor Libido:
✩ Interview on Organic Olivia Podcast: THE “RAIN BARREL EFFECT” – Dr. Stephen Cabral demystifies detox and shares how to avoid “overflow”:
✩ Water Purification Drops:
✩ Emergency Water Storage Containers:
✩ Berkey Water Filter:
✩ Berkey BioFilm Drops:
✩ Water Purification Drops:
✩ Water Canisters:
✩ This is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan (book review):
✩ Dr. Cabral’s Resource Page:
✩ A metabolomics comparison of plant‑based meat and grass‑fed meat indicates large nutritional differences despite comparable Nutrition Facts panels (research):
✩ Podcast on Fake Meats:
– Some products mentioned in the video may contain affiliate links. It’s possible I may be compensated in some way, but this in no way sways my decision on mentioning a product and if I mention a product, I use it myself…
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Hi, I’m Stephen Cabral, Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and Integrative Health Practitioner.
For years I struggled with trying to figure out how to overcome multiple life-alternating illnesses such as auto-immune, Addisons, type 2 diabetes, digestive, allergies, insomnia, and debilitating fatigue.
Then I discovered a mentor who taught me how to combine and integrate multiple health practices into one. From there I tested these theories by traveling all around the world and discovering how to finally help people rebalance their bodies and live the life they always wanted.
I’m happy to say that after being shown the way and now creating my own proven protocols based on combining the best of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with state-of-the-art Functional Medicine my team and I have completed over 250,000 appointments helping people just like you and I.
If you’re interested in getting well, losing weight, or living longer stronger, I look forward to helping you to accomplish those goals. Be well and please always reach out if you have any questions or if my team and I can be of service!
Mail: 853 Main Street, Suite 104 Tewksbury, MA 01876
Media: media@StephenCabral.com
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