Amazing Discovery on Home Water Filtration | Water Softener – Save Big Money!
To Good to be TRUE Prices? Not if you pay attention! Great Filtration, Salt free de scaler and brand name manufacturer. Why use Aquasana or Pelican when there are rated quality options? A secret to water treatment?
George finds that water filtration and treatment from the two biggest names in the industry, Aquasana and Pelican are rated by the same people and Aquasana and A.O. Smith distributed by Lowes Home Centers are the same thing, or are they? It appears A.O. Smith owns Aquasana.com and charges more for systems with the same rating. Same more than half on your Water filtration system owned by the same company?
Kenner is a San Diego Realtor & Real Estate Broker and as is customary in California Brokers must display their Department of Real Estate Licence Number. George’s number is 01229951.
Along with being a Broker George has also been reciepant of Realtor of the Year honors and California Assoicaiton of Realtors, Champion of Home Award. You can see a short video that details why George was given these honors at .
George also contributes his video skills to charities and his local Realtor Association and will consider working for free for any charity. If you have a video project to discuss with George please do not hesitate to call him at 619-723-5714
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