Who Uses a UV Water Filter System and How a UV System Work?
See All Viqua UV Water Filter & Purification Systems:
It looks good. It tastes OK, but is your drinking water safe for everyone to drink?
Dangerous levels of harmful bacteria and viruses in drinking water cannot always be detected by sight, smell or taste.
If your home’s water comes from a private source, such as a well, you are solely responsible for its disinfection and treatment. And a UV water filter system is a highly effective, chemical-free water purification method.
If your water comes from a municipal or city source, the treatment plant follows rules and regulations for disinfection. Before entering your home however, your drinking water passes through miles of an aging water pipe system. Breaks in the system such as damaged pipes and broken water mains can allow dangerous contaminant into your drinking water such as bacteria and viruses – a common cause of boil water advisories.
Among the ordinary events that can cause contaminant to leach into wells and surface water sources are heavy rainfall, melting snow, agricultural run-off and industrial pollution.
Before it flows from your faucet, how can you make sure your water is safe to drink? Disinfect and purify your drinking water with eco-friendly UV or Ultraviolet light.
What is a UV Water Purification System?
Before water enters the UV chamber for purification, it needs to be clarified. A sediment pre-filter, such as a 5 micron filter, ensures the water is clear enough for effective UV light disinfection. Next, an activated carbon filter improves the water’s taste.
Water then enters a stainless Steel chamber which houses the purifying UV light inside a transparent quartz sleeve. Many systems feature a 365 day counter to notify you when it is time to replace the UV lamp.
How does Ultraviolet Water Treatment System purify and Disinfect Drinking Water?
The germicidal energy of ultraviolet light destroys illness-causing microorganisms by attacking the DNA at their genetic core. This eliminates the organisms’ ability to reproduce, rendering them harmless.
UV water purification systems eliminates 99.99% of the harm viruses and bacteria like E.coli can cause. The same is true of harmful protozoa such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium which are chlorine-resistant and a difficult challenge for many water systems.
With a quality Viqua (Sterlight or UVMax) UV water filter system you can be sure your water has been disinfected, purified, and is safe to drink whether your water is from a well or municipal water supply. Learn more by visiting: or calling 877.335.3339.
Product References:
UV Water Filter System for both City and Well Water:
Sterilight UV Water Purification System:
UVMax Systems:
UV Well Water System:
Original Video Source
- June 7, 2021
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- Water